A digital drawing of the 4 French ships using Nuclear power propulsion.
Only few buildings in the world can claim to have nuclear propulsion.
During its history, the French Marine Nationale has only counted 16: 4 SSBN type "Le Redoutable", 6 SSN type "Rubis", 4 NG SSBN type "Le Triomphant", and one aircraft carrier: the Charle de Gaulle. The Suffren, the new French SSN, is joining the ranks.
On this vintage-style poster, only currently in service class are represented (So not including the first generation SSBNs who retired in 2008 with the Inflexible ").
And if the formulation "Atomic Force" may seem strange, it is nonetheless delightfully retro. A little nod to all the people who have gone through the School of Military Applications of Atomic Energy!
Poster produced with Procreate and iPad Pro in 2020
affiche conforme au site. Attention, meme pour du digital c'est du vrai dessin, on voti bien les traits de crayon, ca rend le poster encore plus authentique. Envoir plutot rapide (-de 2 jrs). Frédéric